Troubleshooting 87setup program, then immediately exit the program (see "Using the SystemSetup Program" on page 141). If the message reappears, contact Dell(see "Contacting Dell" on page 132).TI M E -O F -D A Y C L O C K S T O P P E D — The reserve battery that supports the systemconfiguration settings may require recharging. Connect your computer to anelectrical outlet to charge the battery. If the problem persists, contact Dell(see "Contacting Dell" on page 132).TI M E -O F -D A Y N O T S E T -P L E A S E R U N T H E S YS T E M SE T U P P R O G R A M — The timeor date stored in the system setup program does not match the system clock.Correct the settings for the Date and Time options (see "Using the SystemSetup Program" on page 141).TI M E R C H I P C O U N T E R 2 F A I L E D — A chip on the system board may bemalfunctioning. Run the System Set tests in the Dell Diagnostics (see "DellDiagnostics" on page 75).UN E X P E C T E D I N T E R R U P T I N P R O T E C T E D M O D E — The keyboard controller maybe malfunctioning, or a memory module may be loose. Run the SystemMemory tests and the Keyboard Controller test in the Dell Diagnostics(see "Dell Diagnostics" on page 75).X : \ I S N O T A C C E S S I B L E . TH E D E V I C E I S N O T R E A D Y — Insert a disk into thedrive and try again.WA R N I N G : BA T T E R Y I S C R I T I C A L L Y L O W — The battery is running out ofcharge. Replace the battery, or connect the computer to an electrical outlet;otherwise, activate hibernate mode or shut down the computer.ExpressCard ProblemsCAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow thesafety instructions in the Product Information Guide.CH E C K T H E EX P R E S S CA R D — Ensure that the ExpressCard is properly insertedinto the connector.CH E C K T H A T T H E C A R D I S R E C O G N I Z E D B Y WI N D O W S — Double-click the SafelyRemove Hardware icon in the Windows taskbar. Some cards do not supportthis feature. If the card supports this Windows feature, the card will be listed.