98 TroubleshootingCH E C K T H E S YS T E M S E T U P P R O G R A M S E T T I N G S — Verify that the system setupprogram lists the correct device for the pointing device option (the computerautomatically recognizes a USB mouse without making any settingadjustments).TE S T T H E M O U S E C O N T R O L L E R — To test the mouse controller (which affectspointer movement) and the operation of the touch pad or mouse buttons,run the Mouse test in the Pointing Devices test group in the "DellDiagnostics" on page 75.RE I N S T A L L T H E T O U C H P A D D R I V E R — See "Reinstalling Drivers and Utilities"on page 100.Video and Display ProblemsFill out the "Diagnostics Checklist" on page 131 as you complete these checks.CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow thesafety instructions in the Product Information Guide.If the display is blankNOTE: If you are using a program that requires a higher resolution than your computersupports, it is recommended that you attach an external monitor to your computer.CH E C K T H E B A T T E R Y — If you are using a battery to power your computer, thebattery charge may be depleted. Connect the computer to an electrical outletusing the AC adapter, and then turn on the computer.TE S T T H E E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T — Ensure that the electrical outlet is working bytesting it with another device, such as a lamp.CH E C K T H E AC A D A P T E R — Check the AC adapter cable connections. If theAC adapter has a light, ensure that the light is on.CO N N E C T T H E C O M P U T E R D I R E C T L Y T O A N E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T — Bypass powerprotection devices, power strips, and extension cables to verify that thecomputer turns on.AD J U S T T H E P O W E R P R O P E R T I E S — Search for the keyword sleep in WindowsHelp and Support.SW I T C H T H E V I D E O I M A G E — If your computer is attached to an externalmonitor, press to switch the video image to the display.