264 | Access Point Notes Dell PowerConnect W AirWave 7.2 | User Guidebridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-controlbridge-group 1 block-unknown-sourceno bridge-group 1 source-learningno bridge-group 1 unicast-floodingbridge-group 1 spanning-disabled%endif%interface FastEthernet0no ip addressno ip route-cacheduplex autospeed autobridge-group 1no bridge-group 1 source-learningbridge-group 1 spanning-disabledinterface BVI1%if ip=dhcp%ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0%endif%%if ip=static%ip address %ip_address% %netmask%%endif%no ip route-cache%if ip=static%ip default-gateway %gateway%%endif%ip http serverno ip http secure-serverip http help-path http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/smbiz/prodconfig/help/eagaccess-list 111 permit tcp any any neq telnetsnmp-server view iso iso includedsnmp-server community public view iso RWcontrol-planebridge 1 route ipline con 0line vty 0 4login localendSpeed Issues Related to Cisco IOS Firmware UpgradesAWMS provides a very robust method of upgrading firmware on APs. To ensure that firmware is upgradedcorrectly, AWMS adds a few additional steps which are not included in vendor-supplied management software.AWMS Firmware Upgrade Process1. AWMS reads the firmware version on the AP to ensure the firmware to which the AP is upgrading is greaterthan the actual firmware version currently running on the AP.2. AWMS configures the AP to initiate the firmware download from AWMS.3. AWMS monitors itself and the AP during the file transfer.4. After a reboot is detected, AWMS verifies the firmware was applied correctly and all AP configuration settingsmatch those in the AWMS database5. AWMS pushes the configuration if necessary to restore the desired configuration. Some firmware upgradesreconfigure settings.Cisco IOS access points take longer than most access points because their firmware is larger.