188 | Performing Daily Administration in AirWave Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave | Version 7.3Setting Triggers for UsersPerform the following steps to configure user-related triggers.a. Choose a trigger type from the Users category, listed in the Type drop-down menu. See Figure 131. Table109 itemizes and describes the User-related trigger types, and condition settings for each discovery triggertype.b. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of “Creating NewTriggers” on page 183 to create a new trigger.Setting Triggers for RADIUS Authentication IssuesPerform the following steps to configure RADIUS-related triggers.a. Choose a trigger type from the RADIUS... list in the drop-down Type menu. Table 110 itemizes anddescribes the condition settings for each RADIUS Authentication trigger type.b. Repeat this procedure for as many triggers and conditions as desired. Refer to the start of “Creating NewTriggers” on page 183 to create a new trigger.Table 109 User Trigger Types and Condition SettingsUser TriggerOption DescriptionNew User This trigger type indicates when a new user has associated to a device within a defined set of groups orfolders. Note that the New User trigger type does not require the configuration of any condition settings, sothe Condition section disappears.Connected Users This trigger type indicates when a device (based on an input list of MAC addresses) has associated to thewireless network. It is required to define one or more MAC addresses with the field that appears.User Bandwidth This trigger type indicates that the sustained rate of bandwidth used by an individual user has exceeded apredefined threshold for more than a specified period, in seconds (such as more than 1500kbps for morethan 120 seconds).Once you choose this trigger type, select Add New Trigger Condition to specify the bandwidthcharacteristics that triggers an alert. You can apply multiple conditions to this type of trigger.The Value field requires that you input a numerical figure for kilobits per second (kbps).Inactive Tag This tags flags events in which an RFID tag has not been reported back to AMP by a controller for more thana certain number of hours. This trigger can be used to help identify inventory that might be lost or stolen. Setthe time duration for this trigger type if not already completed.Table 110 RADIUS Authentication Trigger Types and Condition SettingsOption DescriptionUser RADIUSAuthentication IssuesThis trigger type sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for auser. Select Add New Trigger Condition to specify the count characteristics that trigger an alert. TheOption, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric value of user issues.Device RADIUSAuthentication IssuesThis trigger type sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for adevice. The Option, Condition, and Value fields allow you to define the numeric value of user issues.Total RADIUSAuthentication IssuesThis trigger sets the threshold for the maximum number of failures before an alert is issued for bothusers and devices.