226 | Creating, Running, and Emailing Reports Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave | Version 7.3 Run Now (visible from the expanded Report Definitions menu) allows immediate running of a customreport as soon as you set the parameters. You must save its definition separately, if you want to rememberthe parameters. Report definitions for other roles section—This section, supported for admin users, displays additionalreports that have been scheduled for other roles. This section of the page adds the Role column, and othercolumns are the same.Each pane includes a Latest Report column with the most recently run reports for each definition and rolecreated. Run and Delete buttons allow you to select a report from the definitions table to run or delete. Once youdefine a report from the Definition page, it appears on the Generated page. The Reports > Definition page isshown in Figure 162, and Table 126 describes the fields available when you select a specific report definition.Table 126 Reports > Definition Page Fields and DescriptionsField DescriptionReport Definition Displays a field for entering report title and dropdown menu, shown in Figure 163, displaying allpossible report types.Report Restrictions Displays dynamic fields that include spaces for selecting attributes and entering data relevant to yourselected report type scope such as groups, folders, SSID, Device Search filter, report start and endtimes.Scheduling Options Reveals options for one time or regularly scheduled reporting by selecting Yes. Options include reportfrequency, start time, and current system time.Report Visibility Allows you to determine a report’s visibility according to user role.Email Options Reveals email address preferences for sending reports by selecting Yes.Add and Run Allows you to create a report definition and run that report right then.Run Now Allows you to run any report that has been defined on the spot without saving settings or creating anew report definition.Add Saves report definition you just created.