Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave | User Guide Configuring AMP | 53The Edit button edits the default credentials for newly discovered devices. To modify the credentials forexisting devices, use the APs/Devices > Manage page or the Modify Devices link on the APs/Devices > Listpage.2. Browse to the Device Setup > Communication page, locate the SNMP Settings section, and enter or revisethe following information. Table 26 lists the settings and default values.3. Locate the SNMP v3 Informs section. Select Add New SNMP v3 User to reveal its configuration section.AMP users will need to configure all v3 users that are configured on the controller; the SNMP Inform receiverin the AMP will be restarted when users are changed or added to the controller. Username - Username of the SNMP v3 user as configured on the controller. Auth Protocol - Can be MD5 or SHA. The default setting is SHA. Auth and Priv Passphrases - Enter the auth and priv passphrases for the user as configured on thecontroller. Priv Protocol - Can be DES or AES. The default setting is DES.4. Locate the Telnet/SSH Settings section, and complete or adjust the default value for the field. Table 27shows the setting and default value.5. Locate the HTTP Discovery Settings section and adjust the default value. Table 28 shows the setting anddefault value.NOTE: Community strings and shared secrets must have read-write access for AMP to configure the devices. Without read-writeaccess, AMP may be able to monitor the devices but cannot apply any configuration changes.Table 26 Device Setup > Communication > SNMP Settings Fields and Default ValuesSetting Default DescriptionSNMP Timeout 3 Sets the time, in seconds, that AMP waits for a response from a device after sending anSNMP request.SNMP Retries 3 Sets the number of times AMP tries to poll a device when it does not receive a responsewithin the SNMP Timeout Period or the Group's Missed SNMP Poll Threshold setting (1-100).If AMP does not receive an SNMP response from the device after the specified number ofretries, AMP classifies that device as Down.Table 27 Device Setup > Communication > Telnet/SSH Settings Fields and Default ValuesSetting Default DescriptionTelnet/SSH Timeout(3-120 sec)10 Sets the timeout period in seconds used when performing Telnet and SSH commands.Table 28 Device Setup > Communication > HTTP Discovery Settings Fields and Default ValuesSetting Default DescriptionHTTP Timeout(3-120 sec) 5 Sets the timeout period in seconds used when running an HTTP discovery scan.