Required Yes.TransportListener.ssl.keystore.password = passwordPassword to access When specified,the value for this property is obfuscated for additional security and thestanza name itself in the properties file will be replaced with a new stanzathat is named ’TransportListener.ssl.keystore.password.obfuscated.’Required Optional.TransportListener.ssl.keystore.type = jceksRequired Optional. Recommended.Values JCEKSTransportListener.ssl.port = valuePort the Encryption Key Manager server will listen on for requests fromother Encryption Key Manager Servers or from the Encryption KeyManager CLI client.Required Yes.Values Port number, 443 for example. This must match theTransportListener.ssl.port property in the CLI clientconfiguration properties file.TransportListener.ssl.protocols = SSL_TLSSecurity protocolsRequired Optional.Values SSL_TLS (default) | SSL | TLSTransportListener.ssl.timeout = 10Specifies how long socket waits on a read() before throwing aSocketTimeoutException.Required Optional.Value Specified in minutes.Default = valueThe name of the database of public keys and signed certificates used toverify the identities of other clients and servers. If theTransportListener.ssl.clientauthentication property is not set to the defaultvalue of 0 (no client authentication), then the Encryption Key ManagerServer, acting as the Secure Socket Server, must authenticate the client byusing this file. This truststore is also used by the Encryption Key ManagerClient to talk to the Encryption Key Manager Server and act as a SecureSockets client.Required Yes.TransportListener.ssl.truststore.type = jceksRequired Optional. Recommended.Values JCEKSTransportListener.tcp.port = valuePort the Encryption Key Manager server will listen on for requests fromtape drives. The default TCP port number is 3801.Required Yes.B-8 Dell Encryption Key Mgr User's Guide