Failed to start EKM. keystore was tampered with, or passwordwas incorrect.1. This error occurs if one or more of these entries in the properties file (seeAppendix B, “Encryption Key Manager Configuration Properties Files”) has thewrong value:config.keystore.password (corresponds to config.keystore.file)admin.keystore.password (corresponds to (corresponds This error could also occur if the wrong password is entered at the passwordprompt on start up of the server.3. If none of the passwords are in the configuration, you are prompted up to threetimes if all 3 keystores entries in the properties file are unique. If all of theentries in the properties are the same, then you are prompted once.Failed to start EKM. Invalid keystore format.1. This error may occur when the wrong keystore type is specified for one of thekeystore entries in the properties file.2. If all of the keystore entries in the properties file point to the same file, theEncryption Key Manager will use the config.keystore.type value as the keystoretype for all keystores.3. When there is no type entry in the properties file for a particular keystore, theEncryption Key Manager assumes the type is jceks.Failed to start the server. Listener thread is not up and running.This error may occur for a number of reasons:1. The following two entries in the file point to thesame port:TransportListener.ssl.portTransportListener.tcp.portEach of the transport listeners must be configured to listen on its own port.2. One or both of those entries is configured to a port that is already in use byanother service running on the same machine as the Key Manager server. Findports that are not in use by another service and use those to configure the KeyManager server.3. On systems running Linux operating systems, this error may occur if one orboth of the ports are lower than 1024 and the user starting the Key Managerserver is not root. Modify the transport listener entries in to use ports above 1024.“[Fatal Error] :-1:-1: Premature end of file.” message innative_stderr.log.This message occurs when the Encryption Key Manager loads an empty keygroupsfile. This message is from the XML parser and does not keep the Encryption KeyManager from starting unless it is configured to use keygroups and the filespecified by the config.keygroup.xml.file property, the Encryption Key Manager Server properties file,is corrupted.6-4 Dell Encryption Key Mgr User's Guide