Table 6-1. Errors that are reported by the encryption key manager (continued)Error Number Description ActionEE0F Encryption logic error: Internal error:″Unexpected error. Internal programmingerror in EKM.″Ensure that you are running the latestversion of the Encryption Key Manager(refer to “Downloading the Latest VersionKey Manager ISO Image” on page 3-1 todetermine the latest version). Check theversions of drive or proxy server firmwareand update them to the latest release, ifneeded. Enable debug tracing on the keymanager server. Try to recreate the problemand gather debug logs. If the problempersists, refer to “Contacting Dell” in the“Read this First” section at the front of thispublication for information on gettingtechnical assistance.Error: Hardware error from call CSNDDSVreturnCode 12 reasonCode 0.If using hardware cryptography, ensure thatICSF is started.EE23 Encryption Read Message Failure: Internalerror: ″Unexpected error........″The message received from the drive orproxy server could not be parsed because ofgeneral error. Ensure that you are runningthe latest version of the Encryption KeyManager (refer to “Downloading the LatestVersion Key Manager ISO Image” on page3-1 to determine the latest version). Enabledebug on the key manager server. Try torecreate the problem and gather debug logs.If the problem persists, refer to “ContactingDell” in the “Read this First” section at thefront of this publication for information ongetting technical assistance.EE25 Encryption Configuration Problem: Errorsthat are related to the drive table occurred.Ensure that the config.drivetable.file.url iscorrect in the KeyManagerConfig.propertiesfile, if that parameter is supplied. Run thelistdrives -drivename command on the Encryption Key Managerserver to verify whether the drive is correctlyconfigured (for example, the drive serialnumber, alias, and certificates are correct).Ensure that you are running the latestversion of the Encryption Key Manager(refer to “Downloading the Latest VersionKey Manager ISO Image” on page 3-1 todetermine the latest version). Check theversions of drive or proxy server firmwareand update them to the latest release, ifneeded. Enable debug tracing and retry theoperation. If the problem persists, refer to“Contacting Dell” in the “Read this First”section at the front of this publication forinformation on getting technical assistance.6-6 Dell Encryption Key Mgr User's Guide||||||