Table 6-1. Errors that are reported by the encryption key manager (continued)Error Number Description ActionEE2D Encryption Read Message Failure: InvalidMessage TypeThe Encryption Key Manager received amessage out of sequence or received amessage that it does not know how tohandle. Ensure that you are running thelatest version of the Encryption Key Manager(refer to “Downloading the Latest VersionKey Manager ISO Image” on page 3-1 todetermine the latest version). Enable debugon the key manager server. Try to recreatethe problem and gather debug logs. If theproblem persists, refer to “Contacting Dell”in the “Read this First” section at the front ofthis publication for information on gettingtechnical assistance.EE2E Encryption Read Message Failure: Internalerror: Invalid signature typeThe message received from the drive orproxy server does not have a valid signaturetype. Ensure that you are running the latestversion of the Encryption Key Manager(refer to “Downloading the Latest VersionKey Manager ISO Image” on page 3-1 todetermine the latest version). Enable debugon the key manager server. Try to recreatethe problem and gather debug logs. If theproblem persists, refer to “Contacting Dell”in the “Read this First” section at the front ofthis publication for information on gettingtechnical assistance.EE30 Prohibited request. An unsupported operation has beenrequested for a tape drive. Enter the correct,supported command for the target tapedrive.EE31 Encryption Configuration Problem: Errorsthat are related to the keystore occurred.Check the key labels that you are trying touse or configured for the defaults. You canlist the certificates that are available to theEncryption Key Manager by using thelistcerts command. If you know that you aretrying to use the defaults, then run thelistdrives -drivename drivename command onthe Encryption Key Manager server to verifywhether the drive is correctly configured (forexample, the drive serial number, andassociated aliases/key labels are correct). Ifthe drive in question has no aliases/keylabels associated with it, then check thevalues of If this does not help orthe alias/key label exists, then collect debuglogs and refer to “Contacting Dell” in the“Read this First” section at the front of thispublication in the “Read this First” section atthe front of this publication for informationon getting technical assistance.6-8 Dell Encryption Key Mgr User's Guide||||