Glossary 285SDRAM — synchronous dynamic random-access memory — A type of DRAM that issynchronized with the optimal clock speed of the processor.serial connector — An I/O port often used to connect devices such as a handhelddigital device or digital camera to your computer.Service Tag — A bar code label on your computer that identifies your computer whenyou access Dell Support at or when you call Dell for customer serviceor technical support.setup program — A program that is used to install and configure hardware andsoftware. The setup.exe or install.exe program comes with most Windows softwarepackages. Setup program differs from System Setup.shortcut — An icon that provides quick access to frequently used programs, files,folders, and drives. When you place a shortcut on your Windows desktop and double-click the icon, you can open its corresponding folder or file without having to find itfirst. Shortcut icons do not change the location of files. If you delete a shortcut, theoriginal file is not affected. Also, you can rename a shortcut icon.SIM — Subscriber Identity Module — A SIM card contains a microchip that encryptsvoice and data transmissions. SIM cards can be used in phones or portable card — A card that is embedded with a processor and a memory chip. Smartcards can be used to authenticate a user on computers equipped for smart cards.S/PDIF — Sony/Philips Digital Interface — An audio transfer file format that allowsthe transfer of audio from one file to another without converting it to and from ananalog format, which could degrade the quality of the file.standby mode — A power management mode that shuts down all unnecessarycomputer operations to save energy.Strike Zone™ — Reinforced area of the platform base that protects the hard drive byacting as a dampening device when a computer experiences resonating shock or isdropped (whether the computer is on or off).surge protectors — Prevent voltage spikes, such as those that may occur during anelectrical storm, from entering the computer through the electrical outlet. Surgeprotectors do not protect against lightning strikes or against brownouts, which occurwhen the voltage drops more than 20 percent below the normal AC-line voltage level.Network connections cannot be protected by surge protectors. Always disconnect thenetwork cable from the network connector during electrical storms.SVGA — super-video graphics array — A video standard for video cards andcontrollers. Typical SVGA resolutions are 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768.