AH Mo t io n C on tr o ll er – O p era t io n M a nu a l5 - 1 0_54. You can use either the constant or the value in the register as the setting value of the counter.5. The setting value of the counter can be a positive or a negative. If the counter counts up from 32,767, the next currentvalue becomes -32,768.5.2.14. 32-bit Counters (HC/AC)HC: The 32-bit general-purpose addition/subtraction counterAC: The 32-bit counters used specifically for motion axis. The function of AC is the same as that of HC Specifications of the 32-bit counterItem 32-bit counterType General typeNumber HC0~HC63Direction Counting up/downsetting value -2,147,483,648~+2,147,483,647Specification of the setting value The setting value can be either the constant or the value occupying two dataregisters.Change of the current value The counter keeps counting after the value of the counter matches the settingvalue.Output contactThe contact is ON when the value of the addition counter matches the settingvalue.The contact is reset to OFF when the value of the subtraction counter matchesthe setting value.Reset When the instruction RST is executed, the current value is cleared to zero, andthe contact is reset of OFF.Action of the contact After the scan is complete, the contact acts.1. Setting range: -2,147,483,648~2,147,483,6472. The switch between the 32-bit general-purpose addition counters and the 32-bit general-purpose subtraction countersdepends on the states of the special auxiliary relays SM621~SM684. For example, the counter HC0 is the additioncounter when SM621 is OFF, whereas HC0 is the subtraction counter when SM621 is ON.3. You can use either the constant or the value in the data registers as the setting value of the counter, and the settingvalue can be a positive or a negative. If you use the value in the data registers as the setting value of the counter, thesetting value occupies two consecutive registers.4. For the general-purpose counter, the current value of the counter is cleared when there is a power cut. If the counter isthe latched one, the current value of the counter and the state of the contact before the power cut will be retained. Thelatched counter counts from the current value when the power supply is restored.5. If the counter counts up from 2,147,483,647, the next current value becomes -2,147,483,648. If the counter countsdown from -2,147,483,648, the next current value becomes 2,147,483,647.5.2.15. Index Registers (E)The index register is the 16-bit data register. It is like the general register in that the data can be read from it and writteninto it. However, it is mainly used as the index register. The range of index registers is E0~E13.Refer to 5.3.5 Modifying a Symbol with an Index Register for more information.