Ch ap te r 7 Motion Co n tro l Prog ramming7 - 2 37_Step 1 Step 2 Step 3Initial setting Setting a master axis and a slave axis Starting/Stopping an electronic camCreating electronic cam data (1)Setting an input pulse type (2)Setting a master axis (3)Setting the starting angle of the masteraxis specified (3)Setting a slave axis (3)Starting/Stopping a cam whichoperates cyclically (3) Initial Setting Creating Electronic Cam DataThere are two methods of creating electronic cam data.Method 1: Function that relates the positions of a master axis to the positions of a slave axisMethod 2: Measuring the relation between the positions of a master axis and the positions of a slave axis at workPlease refer to section 7.7.3 for more information. Setting an Input/Output Pulse Type1. Setting an input pulse typeThe master axis specified can be a manual pulse generator, a motion axis, AC0, AC4, AC8, AC12, AC16, or AC20. Ifyou use a counter as a master axis, you have to set an input pulse type. You can set an input pulse type for thecounter used by means of the motion control function block DFB_HCnt.2. Value of InputTypeInput value Input type (positive logic) DescriptionmcUD (0)FP Clo ckwise pu lse sRP Cou nte rcl ockwi se p u lse sCounting up/downmcPD (1)FP Pu lse sRP Di re ctio n s Co un ter clo ckwis eCl ockwi sePulses+DirectionsmcAB (2)Co un ter clo ckwis eCl ockwi seFP A -p ha se pu lse sRP B- ph as e p ul ses A/B-phase pulses