Cannot receive more than a trickle of water:Both hot and cold supply lines must bepressurized. If only one side is pressurized, thepressure balance system will not allow adequateflow of water.Volume control handle rotates 360degrees or is not positioned correctly perescutcheon, (sleeve is also loose). The keysof the cartridge have not been properly placedin the keyways in the brass body or keys oncartridge have been sheared off due to improperinstallation. BE SURE TO CORRECT THISSITUATION IMMEDIATELY.Cannot receive enough hot water:See step 3 and/or check waterheater temperature.Faucet leaks from tub spout/showerhead:SHUT OFF WATER SUPPLIES. ReplaceAdapter Assembly –Repair Kit RP46073.If leak persists–SHUT OFF WATER SUPPLIESReplace cartridge assembly–RP46463.Unable to maintain constant watertemperature:SHUT OFF WATER SUPPLIES. Removecartridge assembly, shake cartridge side toside. Spool should rattle in sleeve. If rattlecannot be heard, spool may be stuck. Spoolmay be freed up by rapping cartridge brisklysideways into the palm of your hand. If spoolcannot be freed, replace cartridge assembly–RP46463.NOTE: If the water in your area has lime, rust,sand, or other contaminants in it, your pressurebalance valve will require periodic inspection.The frequency of the inspection will depend onthe amount of contaminants in the water. Toinspect cartridge, remove it from the body andshake it rigorously. If there is a rattling sound,the unit is functional and can be reinstalledin its previous position. If there is no rattle,replace the cartridge with RP46463.18 Series MaintenanceCare should be given to the cleaning of thisproduct. Although its finish is extremely du-rable, it can be damaged by harsh abrasivesor polish. To clean, simply wipe gently with adamp cloth and blot dry with a soft towel.Cleaning and Care16