Easy Setup and Operation• To connect the video output frem the DVD player to tile AVR-786, yeu enly need to cheese eneconnection type. Component vide() cennection offers the best quality (and is required ferpregressive DVD playback), folk)wed by S-Video, while composite video offers the lewest picturequality ef the three connection types. For mere infermatk)n abeut the video up cenversionfunction (rP3P page 12).• To connect the digital audie output from the DVD playeL you can choose frem either the ceaxialor optical connections, if yeu cheese to use the coaxial connection, it needs to be assigned. Fermore information abeut Digital Input Assignment (_ page 39).• Cennect a nen-DVD video disc player (such as a laser disc, VCD/SVCD, er future high definitiondisc player) to the DVD/VDP terminals in the same way.[]iiP_'¸¸";!(__ii_ii!_!_ iii_iiiiiii;iii!¸_iii_ J_ oss,,J[][]e ..................................!/,,,,,,_[]........ DVD playerCOMPONENT VIDEO OUT......._ O Y_,,,_,,,,,,,,,M_ @ S VIDEOouTVIDEO*"""""_[ii_ OUT...................... 'O [] OPTICALouTAUDIO OUT@ @R• /÷ Audio signal flow is shown with white arrows; video signal flew is shewn with gray arrows.Easy Setup and Operation• For best picture quality (especially with pregressive DVD and ether high definition seurces),cheese the compenent video cennectien to yeur monitor TV. S-Video and compesite videooutputs are alse provided if your TV does net have component video inputs.Monitor TVNOTE:• The component video input and/or eutput terminals may be labeled differently on some TVs,momters or vide() cemponents (Y, PB, PR; Y, CB, CR; Y, B-Y, R-Y). Check the ewner's manualsfer the other components for further infermatk)n.7I ENGLISH I