Advanced Setup - Part 2When "Auto" mode is selected:Press the CURSOR <1or D button to adjust all-1 the speakers to the same volume.• Tile test Tones are emitted from each soeaKer in me1OllOWlrg order: at 4-see and in_[ervals aunt g the first andsecond c,,cle and at the 2-secona imervals during me[nlra and suDseauent cl cles.'_ When the surrouna DaCK _DeaKer seTiing s set to"lsD" fol Speaker ConfiguraTion '. this is set to "SBExample:When tile VOlume IS seI IO -12 dB Wnlle TF 9 Test Tone ISoelng Droauced from the Front Lch speakerTest Tone --Auto->Front _)3en_e- 0dBFront R 0dBSurround D 0dBS. Back D }dBS. Back _ 0dBSurround 0dBSubwoofer 0dB÷ The vol _He can De adjusted between -12 dB and +12dB in Jnits of 1 dB.When "Manual" mode is selected:Press the CURSOR A or _7 button to select the-2 speakel; then press the CURSOR <_ or D buttonto adjust all the speakers to the same volume.Press the ENTER button to enter the setting.The "Seeaker Setup" menu appearsAdvanced Setup - Part 2• - cance tne settings Eress rne CURSOR v Duttor tO selectLevel @ear" on tne "Channe Level Boreen _[nen make inesettings agaIF• When _dJUS'[IRg rne evel or an ac'qve subwoofer svsiem vouma_, ais leed _[o ac ust tne subwoofer's _\Nn olume control• When .... all JsI tne cnanne levels While n _[ne svstem seIUDcnanne evel mode _[ne cnanne leve aa]usin_ent_ c made waffect o surround _qoae. _ Consider inl. < mode a masie[cnanne evel adjustment mode¸• After vou nave comole_[ea iRe s_aterP Be_[uD ;nann@ evelaalustmenis OL can then ac_qvate _[ne nalvlaua Burrounamode. _ and ac ust _nannel evels that . De ren_en_Derea _"_each DT those _qodes. TheP wnenever .,ou ao'[ivate a oariicula[surround sound _qode vour oreferred cnannel levelaa Jstmenis fo[ ust _[nat _qoae De recalled Check iResiruoiions z adjusIIng _nannel eveis wlinln each surround_oae Su:_ pac B 28),Set the crossover frequency mode according to the speakersystem being used.4 Press the CURSOR A or V button to select"Crossover Frequency" at the "Speaker Setu '. Pmenu, then press the ENTER button., The _!Crosso_er Frequenc _!_screen appears.2. Speaker Setup1. Speaker Config. -4. Crossover Frequency2. Delay Time3. Channel Level>4. Crossover Frequenc_ _5. SW Mode SetupExit_ Adjusting the test tone 9 Press the CURSOR <] or D button to select theBefore playing with the surrouna functior De sure t< Jse me i-- frequency:test tones t adjust the Dla bact evel from the differentspeakers This ad ustment ;ar De oerformed with me svstem ÷ 40i60i80i100i120i150i200i250Hzcanbeselected.set[L [_ page 45 46) or from me remote centre Jnlt asaescnDea below. _ Press the ENTER button to enter the setting.• AdjusIIng w_tn me emote contro_ unit using tne test tones s _ •The "Speaker Setup" menu appears,onw OOSSIDle " me "Rut meae and on effective ° meSTANDARD DOLB_'DTS SURROUND modes ]-he aaastedevels for tne different modes are automatlca _ stored - mememory.Press the STANDARD button to select theSTANDARD (DOLBY/DTS SURROUND)modes.Press the TEST TONE button.• Test tones are output from the different soeaKer_Press the CURSOR <:1or D button to adjust sothat the volume of the test tones is the same forall the speakers.After completing the adjustment, press theTEST TONE button again.46I ENGLISH I