Basic Operation Basic Operation• Adjusting the sound quality (tone)The tone control function vvili not work in the DIRECT mode.You can adjust the channel level either according to the playbacksources or to suit your taste, as described below.r Press the TONE CONTROL button. Press the CH SELECT button to select thespeaker whose level you want to adjust.•_ The Tone s Jttcr es as follows eacr ttme me TONE CONTROLDUtTQF _ D[essec•_ Tl'e cnannel swltc qes as snown Below eacn time tne DUIIOns oresseaBASS_TREBLETurn the SELECTknob to adjust the level of thebass or treble.÷ To inc aase me Dass or Treble:Turn me control ClOCKWISe. (The Bass 3r treble sou-a can Bencreasea uD to +12 dB in steBs 3f 2 dB3÷ To decree se IRe Bass or ireBle:Tur'- IRe conII ol counterclockwise Tile bass C treDle saunasan De aecreasea down to -12 dB in steBs of 2 dB.l•_ When the sJrouna DBCKsBeaKer sett ng IS set to "lsD" forSBeaker Configuration". this is set to 'SB"_ "SB' aBBears onw wnen me "Power AmB Assign." settings me surrouna DaCKmoaePress the CURSOR < or D button to adjust thelevel of the selected speakel:÷ The aefault setting of the cnannel lever s 0 dB.• Tone defeat mode ÷ The level of the selectea s[_eaKer can Be aa ustea wlmlr mef vo_ ao not want me [)ass aria treble to _)e aa ustea, turn on tne range of +12 to -12 dB BV Dressing me CURSORButtonstone defeat mode "_ The SW channel level can be turned otf b decreasln it one.......... Y gstep from -12 dB.Press the TONE DEFEATbutton. OFF ee -12 dB ee +12 dB'_ The signals do not pass through the bass and trebleadjustment circuits, thus resulting in higher quality sound.28L ENGLISH J