Chapter 2 Getting Started the BHT and System Mode125If the displayed filename is different from the name of the BHT systemreconfig file you want to use, then select "2: FILENAME" and enterthe correct filename.Selecting "2: FILENAME" makes the entry box ready to accept entryand displays a cursor. Enter the desired filename by using thenumerical keys and period (.) key, and then press the ENT key.Pressing the SF key switches the entry mode between the numericmode and alphabet mode.In the entry mode, to delete a single character, press the BS key. Todelete the whole entry you made, press the C key.To return to the MODIFY MENU, press the C key when any item ishighlighted.If no BHT system reconfig file exists at the start of updatingIf no BHT system reconfig file exists in the BHT when you select "1:DO IT," then the message shown at left will appear.Download a BHT system reconfig file to the BHT and then tryupdating again. (Refer to Section 2.6.1.)Press the C key to return to the MODIFY MENU.