64[4.5] Setting the communications environmentsAfter the BHT is initialized, the interface port and communications parameters are set as listed in thedefault table below. Do not access them unless necessary.Interface port Optical (IrDA interface port)Communications protocol YMODEMCommunications parametersfor the IrDA interface port DefaultsTRANSMIT SPEED 115200 bpsSERIAL No.: ON (Adds serial numbers to datablocks.)H. PARITY: ON (Adds a horizontal parity.)LINKUP TIME: 30 secondsPROTOCOL (Protocol options)FIELD SPACE: Ignore (Trim)Listed below are the default communications parameters for the direct-connect interface.Communications parametersfor the direct-connect interface port DefaultsTRANSMIT SPEED 115200 bpsPARITY BIT (Vertical parity) NoneDATA BIT (Character length) 8 bitsSTOP BIT (Stop bit length) 1 bitSERIAL No.: ON (Adds serial numbers to datablocks.)H. PARITY: ON (Adds a horizontal parity.)LINKUP TIME: 30 secondsPROTOCOL (Protocol options)FIELD SPACE: Ignore (Trim)