www.desatech.com108117-01K 11INSTALLATIONContinued5. Carefully pass wall plate and cord throughlarge elongated hole in rear of either left orright floor support bracket, depending on de-sired location of switch. Pass wall plate andcord through 1.5" diameter hole in side of fire-place outer casing (see Figure 9).6. Pull wall plate and cord from fireplace mak-ing sure wall switch/plate assembly will reachdesired mounting location without strainingcord assembly.If you are mounting wall switch to a wall, con-tinue reading. If you are mounting your wall switchto the side of the mantel, see page 12.CAUTION: Do not apply ex-cessive pull on cord.Figure 9 - Routing Wall Switch/PlateThrough Fireplace for RelocationWall Switch/Plate AssyHole inOuterCasing Hole inFloorSupportBracketMounting Wall Switch to Wall for RecessedFireplace7. Create three openings on wall according to Tem-plate 1, page 39. This is best done by making apattern to work with on your wall. Carefullycut page 41/42 from manual and tape papertemplate vertically onto wall at preferred loca-tion. Pierce the paper at the centers of the 2holes with a nail or sharp pencil, leaving a markon the wall. Do the same at centers of the fourcircles near the corners of the rectangle.8. Remove paper template from wall.9. Drill 3/8" holes at each mark.10. Using a straight edge and pencil, connect theouter edges of the 4 holes for the rectangle(see Figure 10). This will give you cuttinglines for the rectangle you will cut in the wall.11. Using a keyhole saw, hack saw blade, drill, file,or other suitable tool, carefully cut out the rect-angular opening.Note: The corners of the rect-angle may be round.IMPORTANT: Do not ex-ceed the size of the rectangle on template.12. From inside the recessed opening for the fire-place, carefully pass switch/plate assemblythrough the rectangular opening to the out-side of the wall.13. Using wall anchors supplied in hardware pack-age, fold wall anchor as shown in Figure 11.14. Insert wall anchor, wings first, into hole. Tapanchor flush to wall.15. For thin walls (1/2" or less), insert red key intowall anchor. Push red key to “pop” open an-chor wings. See Figure 12.IMPORTANT: Donot hammer key! For thick walls (over 1/2"thick), do not pop open wings.16. Position switch/plate assembly vertically overwall openings with decal lettering upright (seeFigure 13).17. Insert mounting screws, removed in step 2 ofRelocating Wall Switch on page 10, throughholes in wall plate and into wall anchors.18. Tighten screws until wall plate is firmly at-tached to wall. Do not overtighten.Figure 11 - FoldingAnchorFigure 10 - Using Template for WallSwitch InstallationTemplatefrom ThisManualMakeMarks atCentersof HolesFigure 12 - PoppingOpen Anchor Wingsfor Thin Walls4 3 /4 "3 3 /4 "3/8"3/16"3/4"3/8"Diameter2 HolesCuttingLinesTapeScrewsWall Plate/SwitchOpening in Wallor Mantel WallFigure 13 - Securing Wall Switch