www.desatech.com 108117-01K20CONVENTIONAL FIREPLACEINSTALLATIONConventional installation of fireplace involvesinstalling fireplace along with corner, face, or cabi-net mantel with hearth base accessories against awall in your home. Follow instructions below toinstall fireplace in this manner.Note: The instructions below show installationusing the cabinet mantel and hearth base accesso-ries (see Accessories, page 41. The hearth baseaccessory shown is optional for this installation.You can install fireplace and cabinet mantel di-rectly on the floor. The corner mantel accessorycannot be installed with the hearth bases. You mustinstall corner mantel directly on the floor.1. Assemble cabinet mantel, hearth base, andtrim accessories. Assembly instructions are in-cluded with each accessory.2. When installing blower, install a properlygrounded, 120 volt three-prong electrical out-let at fireplace location if an outlet is not there.If possible, locate outlet so cabinet mantel willcover it when installed (see Figure 30).3. If not already completed, install gas piping tofireplace location. This installation includesan approved flexible gas line (if allowed bylocal codes) after the equipment shutoff valve.The flexible gas line must be the last item in-stalled on the gas piping. See Installing GasPiping to Fireplace Location, page 17.4. Place hearth base accessory against wall at in-stallation location. Cut an access hole in hearthtop to run flexible gas line to fireplace (see Fig-ure 30). Make sure to locate access hole so cabi-net mantel will cover it when installed.Note: Youcan secure base to floor using wood screws. Coun-tersink screw heads and putty over.5. Route flexible gas line through access hole inhearth base.6. Center cabinet mantel on hearth base (see Fig-ure 31). Make sure mantel is flush against wall.7. Break off nailing flanges (see Figure 32) withhammer or pliers.8. Place cardboard or other protective materialon top of hearth base. Carefully set fireplaceon protective material, with back of fireplaceinside mantel opening.9. Attach flexible gas line to fireplace gas regulator.See Connecting Fireplace to Gas Supply, page 18.10. Route electrical cord(s) through access holesin either side of fireplace with bushing. Plugelectrical cord(s) into electrical outlet.INSTALLATIONContinued11. Carefully insert fireplace into cabinet mantel(see Figure 33, page 21). Be careful not toscratch or damage hearth base, cabinet man-tel, or any laminate trim on hearth base. Re-move protective material from top of hearthbase and from front of fireplace (if any).Note:You can secure fireplace to hearth or floor.Open lower louver. Locate screw holes in bot-tom of base. Tighten wood screws throughthese holes and into hearth or floor.Figure 30 - Placing Hearth BaseAccessory Against WallElectrical OutletHearthBaseRigid Pipeand GasShutoff ValveGas Line Access HoleFigure 31 - Installing Cabinet MantelCabinetMantelFigure 32 - Location of Nailing Flanges(EFP33PR Shown)NailingFlanges