www.desatech.com 108117-01K22INSTALLATIONContinuedMantel Clearances for Built-InInstallationIf placing mantel above built-in fireplace, you mustmeet minimum clearance between mantel shelfand top of fireplace opening.NOTICE: Surface temperaturesof adjacent walls and mantelsbecome hot during operation.Walls and mantels above the fire-box may become hot to the touch.If installed properly, these tem-peratures meet the requirementof the national product standard.Follow all minimum clearancesshown in this manual.NOTICE: If your installation doesnot meet the minimum clear-ances shown, you must do oneof the following:• raise the mantel shelf to anacceptable height• remove the mantel shelfFigure 37 - Minimum Mantel Clearancesfor Built-In InstallationSuppliedFireboxHoodMust BeUsed atAll TimesWire-meshScreenFireboxNoncombustibleMaterial MayProject Off thisSurface abovethe FireboxHoodMantel Shelf13" 16" 19" 21"2 1/2"6"8"10"Note: All verticalmeasurements arefrom top of fireplacehood opening tobottom of mantelshelf. These minimumclearances replace anyother recommendedclearances suppliedwith your ANSI Z21.11.2approved gas logs.Wall board or facingmaterial (abovefirebox) may be ofcombustible material,including decorativemantel ornaments orother similar projec-tions off of the facingmaterial. FramingMaterialASSEMBLING AND ATTACHINGOPTIONAL BRASS TRIM(Included with Mantel Accessory)Note: The instructions below show assembling andattaching brass trim to fireplace.1. Remove packaging from three pieces of brass trim.2. Locate four brass screws, two adjusting plateswith set screws, and two shims in the hard-ware packet.3. Align shim under adjusting plate as shown inFigure 38.4. Slide one end of adjusting plate/shim in slot onmitered edge of top brass trim (see Figure 38).5. Slide other end of adjusting plate/shim in slot onmitered edge of side brass trim (see Figure 38).6. While firmly holding edges of brass trim to-gether, tighten both set screws on the adjust-ing plate with slotted screwdriver.7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for other side.8. Tighten trim hanging screws (#10 x 6.25shoulder) into holes in cabinets. Place the as-sembled trim onto fireplace cabinet. Alignhanging notches on trim with hanging screwson side of fireplace (see Figure 39). Push trimfirmly into place, sliding hanging notches overhanging screws.Figure 39 - Attaching Brass Trim toFireplace (EFP33PR Shown)AssembledBrass TrimFigure 38 - Assembling Brass TrimSlotMitered EdgeSlotShimSet ScrewsAdjustingPlateSideBrassTrimTrim HangingScrewsHangingNotcheson TrimTopBrassTrim