www.desatech.com108117-01K 31POSSIBLE CAUSE1. Not enough air2. Gas regulator defective3. Residues from manufacturingprocesses and logs curing1. Not enough combustion/ven-tilation air1. Turning control knob to HI po-sition when burner is cold2. Air in gas line3. Air passageways on heaterblocked4. Dirty or partially cloggedburner orifice1. Ignitor electrode not con-nected to ignitor cable2. Ignitor cable pinched or wet3. Piezo ignitor nut is loose4. Broken ignitor cable5. Bad piezo ignitor6. Ignitor electrode broken7. Ignitor electrode positionedwrong1. Gas supply turned off or equip-ment shutoff valve closed2. Control knob not in PILOTposition3. Air in gas lines when installed4. Depleted gas supply (pro-pane/LP only)5. ODS/pilot is clogged6. Gas regulator setting is notcorrectREMEDY1. Check burner for dirt and de-bris. If found, clean burner(see Cleaning and Mainte-nance, page 29)2. Replace regulator3. Problem will stop after a fewhours of operation1. Refer to Air for Combustion andVentilation requirements (page 5)1. Turn control knob to LO posi-tion and let warm up for a minute2. Operate burner until air is re-moved from line. Have gasline checked by local naturalgas company3. Observe minimum installationclearances (see page 8)4. Clean burner (see Cleaning andMaintenance, page 29) or re-place burner orifice1. Reconnect ignitor cable2. Free ignitor cable if pinchedby any metal or tubing. Keepignitor cable dry3. Tighten nut holding piezo igni-tor to base panel of log set. Nutis located behind base panel4. Replace ignitor cable5. Replace piezo ignitor6. Replace pilot assembly7. Replace pilot assembly1. Turn on gas supply or openequipment shutoff valve2. Turn control knob to PILOTposition full counterclockwise3. Continue holding control knobin full counterclockwise posi-tion. Repeat igniting operationuntil air is removed4. Contact local propane/LP gascompany5. Clean ODS/pilot (see Clean-ing and Maintenance, page 29)or replace ODS/pilot assembly6. Replace gas regulatorOBSERVED PROBLEMSlight smoke or odor during ini-tial operationMoisture/condensation noticedon windowsHeater produces a whistlingnoise when burner is litWhen ignitor button is pressed,there is no spark at ODS/pilot(manual ignition mode)When ignitor button is pressed,there is spark at ODS/pilot butno ignition (manual ignitionmode)TROUBLESHOOTINGContinued