www.desatech.com108117-01K 5LOCAL CODESInstall and use fireplace with care. Follow all lo-cal codes. In the absence of local codes, use thelatest edition of The National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1/NFPA 54*.*Available from:American National Standards Institute, Inc.1430 BroadwayNew York, NY 10018National Fire Protection Association, Inc.Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02269UNPACKINGCAUTION: Do not removethe data plates attached to theheater base assembly. The dataplates contain important war-ranty and safety information.1. With utility knife, cut the carton all the wayaround above the staples on the bottom tray.Lift the carton off the heater. Remove pack-ing.Note: The hood is located in the packingon the right hand side of the heater front. Liftthe heater off the bottom tray.2. Locate two screws above top corners of thefireplace screen. Remove and discard thesescrews. Lift fireplace screen up and pull outto remove.3. Remove protective packaging applied to logs,log base assembly, and fireplace.4. Remove fireplace hood from carton insert.5. Check all items for any shipping damage. Ifdamaged, promptly inform dealer where youbought fireplace.PRODUCT FEATURESOPERATIONThis vent-free fireplace is clean burning. It requiresno outside venting. There is no heat loss out a ventor up a chimney. Heat is generated by both realisticflames and glowing embers. When used withoutthe optional blower, the fireplace requires no elec-tricity making it ideal for emergency backup heat.SAFETY DEVICEThis fireplace has a pilot with an Oxygen Deple-tion Sensing (ODS) safety shutoff system. TheODS/pilot is a required feature for vent-free roomheaters. The ODS/pilot system shuts off the fire-place if there is not enough fresh air.PIEZO IGNITION SYSTEMThis fireplace has a piezo ignitor. This system re-quires no matches, batteries, or other sources tolight fireplace.WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLThis fireplace features an infrared wireless remotecontrol. This control system can be used to auto-matically light the pilot and adjust the burner flameheight at the push of a button.WIRED WALL-MOUNTED REMOTECONTROLThis fireplace features a two-button wall switch andwall plate with glowing LED’s. The wall switchperforms the same functions as the wireless hand-held remote control with the added feature of LED’sfor visual feedback of operation and status.OPTIONAL BLOWER ASSEMBLYACCESSORYThis fireplace accepts an optional blower assem-bly (not included). The GA3650T/GA3700T Se-ries blower operates thermostatically and featuresa variable speed control. The GA3700/GA3750Series operates manually and also features a vari-able speed control. The blower circulates heatedair from the fireplace into the room. Use of bloweris optional. See Accessories, page 41.AIR FOR COMBUSTIONAND VENTILATIONWARNING: This fireplace shallnot be installed in a confined spaceor unusually tight constructionunless provisions are providedfor adequate combustion and ven-tilation air. Read the following in-structions to insure proper freshair for this and other fuel-burningappliances in your home.Today’s homes are built more energy efficient thanever. New materials, increased insulation, and newconstruction methods help reduce heat loss inhomes. Home owners weather strip and caulkaround windows and doors to keep the cold air outand the warm air in. During heating months, homeowners want their homes as airtight as possible.While it is good to make your home energy effi-cient, your home needs to breathe. Fresh air mustenter your home. All fuel-burning appliances needfresh air for proper combustion and ventilation.