www.desatech.com112127-01C 17Installation Items NeededBefore installing stove and burner system,make sure you have the items listed below.• external regulator (supplied by installer)• piping (check local codes)• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas)• equipment shutoff valve *• test gauge connection *• sediment trap• tee joint• pipe wrench• approved flexible gas line with gas con-nector (if allowed by local codes) (notprovided)* A CSA design-certified equipment shutoffvalve with 1/8" NPT tap is an acceptable al-ternative to test gauge connection. Purchasethe CSA design-certified equipment shutoffvalve from your dealer.For propane/LP connections only, the in-staller must supply an external regulator.The external regulator will reduce incominggas pressure. You must reduce incoming gaspressure to between 11" and 14" of water. Ifyou do not reduce incoming gas pressure,heater regulator damage could occur. Installexternal regulator with the vent pointing downas shown in Figure 27. Pointing the vent downprotects it from freezing rain or sleet.CAUTION: Use only new,black iron or steel pipe. Inter-nally-tinned copper tubing maybe used in certain areas. Checkyour local codes. Use pipe of1/2" diameter or greater to allowproper gas volume to burner sys-tem. If pipe is too small, undueloss of volume will occur.Installation must include an equipment shutoffvalve, union, and plugged 1/8" NPT tap. LocateNPT tap within reach for test gauge hook up.NPT tap must be upstream from burner system(see Figure 28).Check your building codes for any specialrequirements for locating equipment shutoffvalve to stoves.instaLLationContinuedApply pipe joint sealant lightly to male NPTthreads. This will prevent excess sealant fromgoing into pipe. Excess sealant in pipe couldresult in clogged burner system valves.WARNING: Use pipe jointsealant that is resistant to liquidpetroleum (LP) gas.Figure 27 - External Regulator with VentPointing Down (Propane/LP Only)Propane/LPSupply TankExternalRegulatorVentPointingDownFigure 28 - Gas Connection* The CSA design-certified equipment shutoffvalve may be supplied with the appliance oryou can purchase it from your dealer.CSA Design-CertifiedEquipment Shutoff Valvewith 1/8" NPT Tap*3" MinimumLP - FromExternalRegulator (11"W.C. to 14"W.C. Pressure)ApprovedFlexibleGas LineCap Pipe TeeNipple JointSediment Trap/Drip LegNatural - FromGas Meter (5"W.C. to 10.5"W.C. Pressure )