www.desatech.com112127-01C 9INSTALLING B-VENT BURNERSYSTEM INTO STOVE BODY1. Carefully lift burner system and place intostove body from the rear of stove.2. Place the left and right grate tops into thetop of stove body. Discard center grate topof stove and replace with center grate topprovided with burner system.Burner systemassemBLyContinuedFigure 15 - Installing Burner System IntoCast Iron Stove BodyLOHIPILOTOFFONCast IronStove BodyBurnerSystemRight TopGrateCenter Top Grate(Included with BurnerSystem)Left TopGrateINSTALLING OPTIONAL BLOWERACCESSORYNOTICE: If installing blower inan existing stove burner systemwith gas connections, shut offgas supply and disconnect heaterfrom gas supply. Contact a quali-fied service person to do this.1. Remove 4 hex screws securing rear coverto back of stove body (see Figure 16).2. Separate bottom cover from rear coverby loosening the 8 mounting screws (seeFigure 16).Figure 16 - Removing Rear Cover andBottom Cover from Stove BodyStove BodyRearCoverBottomCover MountingScrewsHex Screws3. Align the holes in the top mounting tabsof blower with the holes in wall of rearcover. Using the 4 screws provided, mountblower and tighten screws securely (seeFigure 17).4. Thermostat Blower Only: Attach thermalswitch and bracket to inside rear coverwall with two hex head screws providedas shown in Figure 17. After securingbracket to rear cover, carefully bend alongexisting bend line on bracket to almost a90° angle (see Figure 17). This will allowthermal switch to be positioned againststove rear wall and sense temperaturewhen in operating mode.Figure 17 - Blower Assembly, SpeedControl, and Thermal Switch LocationsSpeedControlBlowerControlKnobLocknutBlowerAssemblyThermal Switchand BracketControl ShaftTOP VIEWMountingHolesScrews