www.desatech.com 112127-01C30POSSIBLE CAUSE1. Burner orifice clogged2. Inlet gas pressure is toolow3. Thermopile leads discon-nected or improperly con-nected4. Thermopile is defective1. Manifold pressure is toolow2. Burner porting or orificeclogged1. Burner orifice is clogged ordamaged2. Damaged burner3. Gas regulator defective1. Residues from manufac-turing processes and logscuring1. Air in gas line2. Dirty or partially cloggedburner orifice1. Flame impingement onlogs2. Debris around burner airmixer3. Poor drafting1. Metal expanding whileheating or contractingwhile cooling1. Battery is not installed orbattery power is lowREMEDY1. Clean burner (see Cleaningand Maintenance, page 27)or replace burner orifice2. Contact local propane/LP ornatural gas company3. Reconnect leads (see Wir-ing Diagram, page 32)4. Replace thermopile1. Contact local propane/LP ornatural gas company2. Clean burner (see Cleaningand Maintenance, page 27)or replace burner orifice1. Clean burner (see Cleaningand Maintenance, page 27)or replace burner orifice2. Replace damaged burner3. Replace gas control1. Problem will stop after a fewhours of operation1. Operate burner until air isremoved from line. Havegas line checked by localpropane/LP or natural gascompany2. Clean burner (see Cleaningand Maintenance, page 27)or replace burner orifice1. Adjust the log set so that theflame does not excessivelyimpinge on it2. Inspect the opening at thebase of the burner to seethat it is NOT packed withany type of material3. See Troubleshooting Vent-ing Problems, Down Draftssection, page 161. This is normal. If noise isexcessive, contact qualifiedservice person1. Replace 9-volt batteries inreceiver and remote controlOBSERVED PROBLEMBurner does not light afterpilot is litDelayed ignition burnerBurner backfiring during com-bustionSlight smoke or odor duringinitial operationHeater produces a whistlingnoise when burner is litGlass sootsBurner system produces aclicking/ticking noise just afterburners are lit or shut offRemote does not functiontrouBLesHootinGContinued