InstallationEaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small Welded (IBC-SW) Installation Manual P-164000639—Rev 1 4-234.4.3 Installing Thermal Sensor Interface Connections1. If wiring the IBC–SW thermal sensor interface terminals using line-up-and-match wiring using theinter-cabinet wiring access pass-through (see Figure 4-2) proceed to Step 2; if wiring the IBC–SW thermalsensor interface terminals using the top entry access, proceed to Step 4; if wiring the IBC–SW thermalsensor interface terminals using the bottom entry access, proceed to Step 7.2. Line-Up-and-Match Wiring. Route the thermal sensor interface wiring from the UPS thermal sensor(building alarm) interface terminals through the top inter-cabinet access pass-through (see Figure 4-2) ofthe UPS cabinet and IBC–SW to the IBC–SW battery interface terminal block TB2. See Figure 4-10 forterminal locations. See paragraph 3.2.3, Table 4-1, and Figure 4-11 for wiring and terminationrequirements. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual listed inparagraph 1.7, for UPS cabinet terminal locations.3. Proceed to Step 10.4. Top Entry Wiring. Remove the top conduit plate (see Figure 4-9) from the top of the IBC–SW. Identify allconduit requirements and mark their location. Drill and punch all conduit holes in the top conduit plateprior to mounting on the IBC–SW. Install the conduit plate and install all conduit runs into the plate. Pullthe wiring through the conduit into the wiring area.5. Route the thermal sensor interface wiring from the UPS thermal sensor (building alarm) interfaceterminals through the top of the IBC–SW and the top IBC–SW inter-cabinet wiring access pass-through(see Figure 4-2) to the IBC–SW battery interface terminal block TB2. See Figure 4-10 for terminallocations. See paragraph 3.2.3, Table 4-1, and Figure 4-11 for wiring and termination requirements. Referto the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual listed in paragraph 1.7, for UPScabinet terminal locations.6. Proceed to Step 10.7. Bottom Entry Wiring. Remove the bottom conduit plate (see Figure 4-9) from the inside bottom of theIBC–SW. Identify all conduit requirements and mark their location. Drill and punch all conduit holes in thebottom conduit plate prior to mounting on the IBC–SW. Install the conduit plate and install all conduit runsinto the plate. Pull the wiring through the conduit into the wiring areas.NOTE 1 The UPS thermal sensor signal uses an UPS building alarm input to indicate athermal trip condition and to turn off the battery charger.NOTE 2 Any pair of unused building alarm terminals may be used for the thermal sensorconnections.NOTE 3 Program the thermal sensor building alarm to read battery thermal trip and fornormally open contacts.NOTE 4 Disconnect terminal block plug from terminal block to wire plug.NOTE 5 If the inter-cabinet wiring access pass-through is not used to install the thermalsensor interface wiring connections, conduit must be installed between the batterycabinet and the UPS cabinet.NOTE In multiple IBC–SW installations, route the battery interface wiring betweenIBC–SWs through the top of the adjacent IBC–SW using the top inter-cabinetaccess pass-through (see Figure 4-2 on page 4-5).NOTE In multiple IBC–SW installations, route the battery interface wiring betweenIBC–SWs through the top of the adjacent IBC–SW using the top inter-cabinetaccess pass-through (see Figure 4-2 on page 4-5).