92 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 09Figure 75. UPS Communications PortsCN17 - DB-9 Communication PortCN12 - USB CommunicationPortCN4CN7CN5Network(Optional)CN13CN6ACT 100MMAC:ETHERNET Settings/SensorRS232UPS DataEBM Communication PortsExternal communication ports are located on the top rear panel of the EBM (see Figure 76 ). They are identifiedas follows:• External slot select signals and external CAN signals from UPS• External slot select external CAN signals to next EBM• Last EBM Jumper• DB-9 (RS-232) port• USB portFigure 76. EBM Communication PortCN5 - DB-9 Communication PortCN12 - USB Communications PortCN3CN4 CN6Refer to detail A in for the type of signal connectors used.88..44 DDeeddiiccaatteedd IInnppuutt SSiiggnnaallssDedicated Input SignalsEmergency Power-off (EPO):Connection to a facility Emergency Shutdown switch provides a method foremergency Eaton 9PXM system shutdown.EPO ConnectionsIn the 9PXM UPS, EPO can be configured either as Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC) contacts.Connector CN7 on the rear panel of the UPS is used for EPO.Dedicated Input Signals