4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 09 45CChhaapptteerr 55 BBaatttteerryy CCaabbiinneett IInnssttaallllaattiioonn55..11 SSttaannddaarrdd BBaatttteerryy CCaabbiinneett IInnssttaallllaattiioonnWARNINGOnly qualified service personnel (such as a licensed electrician) should perform the battery cabinet installation.Risk of electrical shock.CAUTION• Before connecting an external battery cabinet to the UPS cabinet or to another external battery cabinet,verify that all AC input power is removed from the UPS. Open the input service circuit breaker or turn theexternal bypass switch to the SERVICE position.• Remove all battery modules in the UPS cabinet and/or battery cabinet to ensure DC voltage is removedfrom the internal DC buses.• In the UPS cabinet, the proper location of cabinet-to-cabinet DC wiring is on the lower left of the rear panel.• In the external battery cabinets P-103003632 , and P-103003727 this wiring installs into the rear panelwhere the DC emergency disconnect switch is located on the lower left of the rear panel. See Figure 37 .• All of the slots in the Standard 8 and 12 slot battery cabinets can be populated with batteries.Figure 37. Standard EBM Front and BackBatteryModulesBatteryModulesEBM Front View(Covers removed)UPS DCTerminalCoversDC EmergencyDisconnectSwitchEBMEBM Front EBM BackPrepare the EBM Cabinet