32 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 09Figure 27. Bypass From UPS to LINEDepress and HOLDred button Rotate switchto LINE position LINEMODEUTILITY LOADBPMUPSFROMUPSTOUPSINPUT OUTPUTINPUT OUTPUT2. Turn the switch from LINE to SERVICE (see Figure 28 ). The critical load is fed directly from utility and theUPS is now completely disconnected from AC power. Ensure that the UPS is off and the terminals arecompletely de-energized before performing any maintenance on the UPS.Figure 28. Bypass From LINE to SERVICERotate switchto SERVICE position SERVICEMODEUTILITY LOADBPMUPSFROMUPSTOUPSINPUT OUTPUTINPUT OUTPUT33..88 LLoocckk--oouutt//TTaagg--oouuttThe BPM comes with a Lock-out/Tag-out (LOTO) feature to keep the BPM bypass switch locked in SERVICEmode while qualified service personnel works on the UPS. To use the LOTO feature:1. Press and hold the red bar (See Figure 29 ).Lock-out/Tag-out