4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 09 311..33 PPhhyyssiiccaall FFeeaattuurreessThe Eaton 9PXM UPS is available in eight or twelve-slot cabinet sizes. The cabinet front has a control panel andmagnetic-latch front covers that provide access to the power modules and battery modules. Casters andleveling feet are installed on a caster tray for a floor-mounted UPS installation (see Figure 1) .Figure 1. Eight and Twelve-Slot Cabinets ( Front View)Caster TrayControl PanelFront Covers8 - Slot UPS 12 - Slot UPSThe rear UPS panel features power input and output connections with protective covers. Communication portsprovide input signals for maintenance bypass, remote power off, etc. DB-9, USB ports and communicationslots for network connectivity cards allow for remote monitoring of UPS operation. Slots for output receptaclesinstalled by Eaton are available by removable knockout panels depending on the user’s requirements (seeFigure 2 .Physical Features