98 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669 4–20kVA Users Guide P-164000669—Rev 09The cover has magnetic latches on the left and right sides that hold it in place.2. Loosen the captive screw on the retaining bracket and slowly pull the upper battery module out of thecabinet.3. Repeat the procedure with the lower battery module.4. Treat the original and replacement battery modules with care to avoid damaging connectors or internalcircuitry. Label the original batteries with masking tape or some other identifier. Record the serial numberof the replacement modules for your warranty.5. Insert the replacement battery modules by sliding the lower module carefully into the cabinet. Repeat forthe upper replacement module.6. Reinstall the retaining bracket and tighten the captive screw.7. Replace the front cover.Figure 79. Battery ReplacementRetaining BracketBatteryModulesCaptiveScrewFront Covers99..55 PPoowweerr MMoodduullee RReeppllaacceemmeennttThe Eaton 9PXM easy replace feature lets you replace a power module without disconnecting the load ordamaging the UPS.NOTE The UPS may switch to internal Bypass mode if the remaining power modules areinsufficient to supply the required power. If empty slots exist, install replacementmodules before removing original ones.Power Module Replacement