Eaton All-Pro MSLED300W Instruction Manual
2PROPER BATTERY CARENOTE: Proper care should ensure the longest possible life for your battery.• Make sure that your fixture is located in a sunny location.• When battery is low, the fixture will automatically turn OFF. (The fixture will not turn ON untilthe battery has recharged to the operating level.)• To ensure proper recharge, slide power switch OFF and allow fixture to receive 4 full days ofsunlight before turning the fixture ON.TROUBLESHOOTING1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYTHE FOLLOWING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Eaton warrants to customers that, for a period of one year from the date of purchase,Eaton products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. The obligation ofEaton under this warranty is expressly limited to the provision of replacement products. Thiswarranty is extended only to the original purchaser of the product. A purchaser’s receipt orother proof of date of original purchase acceptable to Eaton. This is required before warrantyperformance shall be rendered. This warranty does not apply to Eaton products that have beenaltered or repaired that have been subjected to neglect, abuse, misuse or accident(including shipping damages). This warranty does not apply to products not manufactured byEaton which have been supplied, installed, and/or used in conjunction with Eaton products.Damage to the product caused by replacement bulbs or corrosion or discoloration of brasscomponents are not covered by this warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:IN NO EVENT SHALL EATON BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT,STRICT LIABILITY, OR IN TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), NOR FOR LOST PROFITS; NOR SHALLTHE LIABILITY OF EATON FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTEDWITH THESE TERMS OR THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, DELIVERY, USE, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR ORMODIFICATION OF EATON PRODUCTS, OR SUPPLY OF ANY REPLACEMENT PARTS THEREFORE,EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF EATON PRODUCTS GIVING RISE TO A CLAIM. NO LABORCHARGES WILL BE ACCEPTED TO REMOVE OR INSTALL FIXTURES.To obtain warranty service, please contact Eaton, at 1-800-334-6871, press option 2 forCustomer Service, or via e-mail and include the followinginformation:• Name, address and telephone number• Date and place of purchase• Catalog and quantity purchase• Detailed description of problemAll returned products must be accompanied by a Return Goods Authorization Number issuedby the Company and must be returned freight prepaid. Any product received without a ReturnGoods Authorization Number from the Company will be refused. Eaton is not responsible forProblem Cause / SolutionLight Does NotCome On WithMotion At NightSurrounding external ambient light is too bright. (If so, the unit maythink it is daytime.)• Relocate or reposition the unit away from the light source.Fixture is not charging during the day.• Solar panel must be receiving direct sunlight to charge duringday (reposition if shadowed).• Solar panel must be clean and free from debris.• Make sure batteries have been charged with 4 full days ofsunlight prior to turning the fixture ON.• When battery is low, the fixture will automatically turn OFF untilthe battery is charged to the operating level.Light Comes OnFor No ApparentReason At NightThere is motion in the detection zone.• Make sure the sensor is not picking up moving objects such astrees, traffic, etc.TEST FOR YOURSELF.• Cover the sensor lens with black electrical tape to preventsensor from detecting motion. If the light stays off, something inthe detection zone is triggering the sensor.• Reposition the fixture.* If the light stays on with the sensor lens covered, contactcustomer service.Light Stays On AtNight And DoesNot Turn OffThere is motion in the detection zone.• Make sure the fixture is not picking up moving objects such astrees, traffic, etc.• Reposition fixture.* If the light continues to stay on, contact customer service.Light Is OnDuring The DayThe motion detector is shadowed.• Reposition fixture.merchandise damaged in transit. Repaired or replaced products shall be subject to the termsof this warranty and are inspected when packed. Evident or concealed damage that is madein transit should be reported at once to the carrier making the delivery and a claim filed withthem.Reproductions of this document without prior written approval of Eaton are strictly prohibited.For assistance, call 1-800-334-6871 or e-mail us at ConsumerProducts@eaton.comPrinted in ChinaARTÍCULOS NECESARIOS(se compran por separado)• Destornillador en cruz (Phillips)CÓMO FUNCIONADurante las horas del día, el panel solar transforma la luzsolar en energía que queda almacenada en el paquete dela bateríarecargable. Su luminaria cuenta con un sensorde movimiento, que enciende la luz cuando es de nochey se detecta algún movimiento. Esta luminaria estáequipada con una fotocélula, que sólo permite que elartefacto se encienda durante las horas de la noche.ADVERTENCIAS Y PRECAUCIONESINSTRUCCIONES CONCERNIENTES AL RIESGO DE INCENDIO O LESIONES ALAS PERSONAS:ATENCIÓN: Para reducir el riesgo de incendio o lesiones personales:• NO sustituya las baterías.• NO deseche este producto por medio de métodos combustibles. Las baterías que seencuentran dentro de este producto pueden explotar o tener pérdidas. Atienda todaslas advertencias.• NO perfore este pack de baterías. NO trabaje sobre este pack de baterías.• NO desarme la luminaria. La luminaria no contiene piezas que puedan recibir un servicio demantenimiento por el usuario.• Las baterías de ión de litio deben desecharse de conformidad con las ordenanzas ynormas locales sobre disposición de desechos.• No ponga en funcionamiento esta luminaria si le falta la lente o está dañada.• La luminaria es apta para un montaje en paredes solamente. NO es apta para su instalaciónpor medio de su montaje en el suelo.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES.PARA OBTENER LOS MEJORES RESULTADOS• Deje que el accesorio capte luz solar durante cuatro días completos antes de encenderlo.• Ubique la luminaria en un área que reciba lamayor cantidad de luz solar durante las horasdiurnas. El panel debe recibir, al menos,de 3 a 4 horas de luz solar directa a diario.• Pruebe su unidad cargada antes de instalarla.• Ubique la luminaria de modo que el movimientose traslade por toda la zona de detección (Fig. 1).• Ubique la luminaria lejos de fuentes caloríficas afin de evitar su activación por falsa alarma. Además,medida de lo posible, tenga mucho cuidado de noincluir objetos tales como ventanas, pare des blancasy agua, en la zona de detección.• Ubique la luminaria lejos de objetos móviles, tales como árboles, arbustos grandes y tráfico.• Conserve el panel solar libre de cualquier objeto que pudiera interceptar la luz solar.Es necesario limpiar periódicamente el panel solar con un paño suave humedecido.• Durante aquellos períodos en los que haya varios días nublados, la batería caerá debajodel nivel de carga suficiente y necesitará recargarse con la luz solar.MONTAJE DEL ACCESORIO1. Ubique la zona en la que desea instalar suartefacto de luz.NOTA: Para que la luminaria funcione correctamente,debe estar ubicada en un área donde reciba la mayorcantidad de luz solar y donde esté libre de obstrucciones.2. Con los tornillos incluidos (C) de montaje dela luminaria, monte el “soporte de montaje desujeción a presión” (B) a una superficie sólidadel suelo, colocando los tornillos a travésde los orificios centrales del soporte. Asegúresede que la lengüeta del soporte apunte en formadescendente hacia (Fig. 2).3. Deslice el interruptor de encendido al modoAUTO (AUTOMÁTICO).ESPAÑOLHasta 25 pies(7.62 metros)120 gradosFig. 2ECCFig. 1 |
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