16 Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small Welded (IBC-SW) Installation Manual 164000639—Rev 0333..22..22 IIBBCC––SSWW PPoowweerr WWiirriinngg PPrreeppaarraattiioonnRead and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:WARNINGAs a result of the connected loads high leakage current is possible. Connection to earth ground is required forsafety and proper product operation. Do not check IBC–SW operation by any action that includes removal of theearth (ground) connection with loads attached.• Refer to national and local electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.• Material and labor for external wiring requirements are to be provided by the customer.• For external wiring, use only 75°C copper wire.!IMPORTANTThis product has been evaluated for use with copper wire only.Wire sizes listed in Table 3 and Table 4 are for copper wiring only. If wire is run in an ambient temperaturegreater than 40°C, higher temperature wire and/or larger size wire may be necessary. Wire sizes are basedon using the specified breakers.• Recommended wire sizes are based on NFPA National Electrical Code® (NEC®)70 Table 310.15(B)(16) 75°C ampacity with 40°C ambient correction factors.• The battery wiring used between the battery and the UPS for standalone installations should be amaximum of 20 meters (65 feet) with a voltage drop of less than 1% of nominal DC voltage at ratedbattery current.• Refer to NEC Article 250 and local codes for proper grounding practices.• Battery voltage is computed at 2 volts per cell as defined by Article 480 of the NEC. Rated battery currentis computed at 2 volts per cell.• The battery cabinet frame is not referenced to the DC circuit.• Each battery cabinet has its own overcurrent protection device.• Internal battery strings are to be connected by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer.• Refer to the appropriate Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual listed in paragraph1.7 For More Information for UPS cabinet conduit and terminal specifications and locations.• The term line-up-and-match refers to accessory cabinets that are physically located adjacent to the UPS.The term standalone refers to accessory cabinets that are located separate from the UPS.For line-up-and-match external power wiring requirements, including the minimum AWG size of external wiring,see Table 3. For standalone external power wiring requirements, including the minimum AWG size of externalwiring, see Table 4. Wire sizes listed are for copper wiring only.Installation Plan and Unpacking