Eaton 93PM Integrated Battery Cabinet-Small Welded (IBC-SW) Installation Manual 164000639—Rev 03 23CChhaapptteerr 44 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn44..11 PPrreelliimmiinnaarryy IInnssttaallllaattiioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnWARNINGInstallation should be performed only by qualified personnel knowledgeable of batteries and the requiredprecautions.Observe these precautions while installing the Integrated Battery Cabinet (IBC):• Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects.• Use tools with insulated handles.• Wear voltage rated gloves and electrical hazard footwear.• Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of batteries or battery cabinets.• Refer to Chapter 3 Installation Plan and Unpacking for cabinet dimensions and weight, wiring andterminal data, and installation notes.• Do not tilt the cabinets more than 10° during installation.Failure to follow these instructions may result in severe injury or death.44..22 UUnnllooaaddiinngg tthhee IIBBCC CCaabbiinneett ffrroomm tthhee PPaalllleettDANGERRISK OF INSTABILITY. Do not remove any internal panels until the cabinet is removed from and lowered fromthe pallet.WARNING• The IBC is heavy (see Table 1). If unpacking and unloading instructions are not closely followed, the cabinetmay tip and cause serious injury or death.• Lift the cabinets only with a forklift or pallet jack or damage may occur.• Verify that the forklift or pallet jack is rated to handle the weight of the cabinet (see Table 1 for cabinetweight).• Do not tilt cabinet more than 10° from vertical.Failure to follow these instructions may result in severe injury or death.The IBC is bolted to a pallet consisting of four metal angle supports secured to two wood supports.To remove the pallet:CAUTIONDo not use the jacking bolts on a soft surface floor. Use only on a hard surface, such as concrete. If necessaryremove pallet on a hard surface and roll cabinet to final installation position.1. If not already accomplished, use a forklift or pallet jack to move the IBC to the installation area, or as closeas possible, before unloading from the pallet. Insert the forklift or pallet jack forks between the supports onthe bottom of the pallet (see Figure 5 for the IBC cabinet center of gravity measurements).