A IQ 250/260 Meter Appendix B:Modbus MappingDescription1 Format Range6 Units or Resolution Comments # Regread-only0000 - 0007 1 - 8 Reserved ASCII 16 char none Reserved 80008 - 000F 9 - 16 Meter Serial Number ASCII 16 char none 80010 - 0010 17 - 17 Meter Type UINT16 bit-mapped -------t -----vvv t = transducer model (1=yes, 0=no),vvv = IQ Model:V40 = IQ 250V41 = IQ 26010011 - 0012 18 - 19 Firmware Version ASCII 4 char none 20013 - 0013 20 - 20 Map Version UINT16 0 to 65535 none 10014 - 0014 21 - 21 Meter Configuration UINT16 bit-mapped -----ccc --ffffff ccc = CT denominator (1 or 5),ffffff = calibration frequency (50 or 60)10015 - 0015 22 - 22 ASIC Version UINT16 0-65535 none 10016 - 0017 23 - 24 Boot Firmware Version ASCII 4 char none 20018 - 0018 25 - 25 Option Slot 1 Usage UINT16 bit-mapped same as register 10000(0x270F)10019 - 0019 26 - 26 Option Slot 2 Usage UINT16 bit-mapped same as register 11000(0x2AF7)1001A - 001D 27 - 30 Meter Type Name ASCII 8 char none 4001E - 0026 31 - 39 Reserved Reserved 90027 - 002E 40 - 47 Reserved Reserved 8Block Size: 47read-only03E7 - 03E8 1000 - 1001 Volts A-N FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203E9 - 03EA 1002 - 1003 Volts B-N FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203EB - 03EC 1004 - 1005 Volts C-N FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203ED - 03EE 1006 - 1007 Volts A-B FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203EF - 03F0 1008 - 1009 Volts B-C FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203F1 - 03F2 1010 - 1011 Volts C-A FLOAT 0 to 9999 M volts 203F3 - 03F4 1012 - 1013 Amps A FLOAT 0 to 9999 M amps 203F5 - 03F6 1014 - 1015 Amps B FLOAT 0 to 9999 M amps 203F7 - 03F8 1016 - 1017 Amps C FLOAT 0 to 9999 M amps 203F9 - 03FA 1018 - 1019 Watts, 3-Ph total FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M watts 203FB - 03FC 1020 - 1021 VARs, 3-Ph total FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M VARs 203FD - 03FE 1022 - 1023 VAs, 3-Ph total FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M VAs 203FF - 0400 1024 - 1025 Power Factor, 3-Ph total FLOAT -1.00 to +1.00 none 20401 - 0402 1026 - 1027 Frequency FLOAT 0 to 65.00 Hz 20403 - 0404 1028 - 1029 Neutral Current FLOAT 0 to 9999 M amps 20405 - 0406 1030 - 1031 Watts, Phase A FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M watts 20407 - 0408 1032 - 1033 Watts, Phase B FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M watts 20409 - 040A 1034 - 1035 Watts, Phase C FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M watts 2040B - 040C 1036 - 1037 VARs, Phase A FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M VARs 2040D - 040E 1038 - 1039 VARs, Phase B FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M VARs 2040F - 0410 1040 - 1041 VARs, Phase C FLOAT -9999 M to +9999 M VARs 2Meter Data Section2Primary Readings BlockFixed Data SectionIdentification BlockModbus AddressHex Decimalwww.eaton.com IB02601006E MM-1