Chapter 8:IQ 250/260 Meter Programming the IQ 250/ IB02601006E 8-13To Configure a Limit:Double-click on the Field to set the following values:Above and Below Set Point: % of Full Scale (the point at which the reading goes out of limit)Examples: 100% of 120V Full Scale = 120V90% of 120V Full Scale = 108VAbove and Below Return Hysteresis: (the point at which the reading goes back within limit)Examples: Above Set Point = 110% Below Set Point = 90%(Out of Limit above 132V) (Out of Limit below 108V)Above Return Hysteresis = 105% Below Return Hysteresis = 95%(Stay Out of Limit until below 126V) (Stay Out of Limit until above 114V)The Primary fields are display only. They show what the set point and return hysteresis value are for each limit.NOTES:• If you are entering negative limits, be aware that the negative value affects the way the above and below limitsfunction, since negative numbers are processed as signed values.• If the Above Return Hysteresis is greater than the Above Set Point, the Above Limit is Disabled; if the BelowReturn Hysteresis is less than the Below Set Point, the Below Limit is Disabled. You may want to use this featureto disable either Above or Below Limit conditions for a reading.TIMEAbove LimitconditionBelow LimitconditionAbove Limit Trigger pointReturn point from Above Limit conditionBelow Limit Trigger pointReturn point from Below Limit conditionHYSTERESISHYSTERESIS- MEASURED VALUE(if applicable)+ MEASURED VALUE0