A IQ 250/260 Meter Appendix B:Modbus Mapping274B - 274E 10060 - 10063 Reserved Reserved 4Block Size: 64Read-only274F - 274F 10064 - 10064 Current speed and format UINT16 bit-mapped -abcde-- fghijklm Bps: a=57600; b=38400; c=19200; d=14400; e=9600Stop bits 'f': cleared 1 stop bit, set 2 stop bitsParity: g=even; h=odd; i=noneData bits: j=8; k=7; l=6; m=512750 - 2750 10065 - 10065 Reserved UINT16 bit-mapped Reserved 12751 - 2751 10066 - 10066 Current protocol UINT16 bit-mapped -------- -----ppp- ppp= 100 =DNP3 Lite; 010=ASCII Modbus; 001=RTUModbus12752 - 2752 10067 - 10067 Current reply delay UINT16 0 to 65535 milliseconds Delay to reply a Modbus transaction after receiving it. 12753 - 2756 10068 - 10071 Reserved Reserved 4Block Size: 8read-only2757 - 2790 10072 - 10129 Data and Control Block for Option Card 1.Meaning of registers depend on installed card. --see belowRegister assignments depend on which type of card is inthe slot. See overlays below.58Block Size: 66read-only except as indicated2757 - 2757 10072 - 10072 Digital Input States UINT16 bit-mapped -------- 22221111 Two nibble fields: (2222) for input#2 and (1111) for input#1.Lsb in each nibble is the current state of the input. Msb ineach nibble is the oldest registered state.12758 - 2758 10073 - 10073 Digital Relay States UINT16 bit-mapped -------- --ab--cd If "a" is 1 then state of Relay#2 is unknown, otherwise stateof Relay#2 is informed in "c": (1=tripped, 0=released).If "b" is 1 then state of Relay#1 is unknown, otherwise stateof Relay#1 is informed in "d": (1=tripped, 0=released).12759 - 2759 10074 - 10074 Turn relay on UINT16 bit-mapped -------- ------21 Writing a 1 in bit N turns relay N+1 ON (this register iswriteable only in privileged session).1275A - 275A 10075 - 10075 Turn relay off UINT16 bit-mapped -------- ------21 Writing a 1 in bit N turns relay N+1 OFF (this register iswriteable only in privileged session).1275B - 275B 10076 - 10076 Trip/Release delay timer for Relay 1 UINT16 0 to 9999 0.1 sec Time to trip or release. 1275C - 275C 10077 - 10077 Trip/Release delay timer for Relay 2 UINT16 0 to 9999 0.1 sec Time to trip or release. 1275D - 275E 10078 - 10079 Reserved Reserved 2275F - 275F 10080 - 10080 Input 1 Accumulator, Scaled UINT16 0 to 9999 12760 - 2760 10081 - 10081 Input 2 Accumulator, Scaled UINT16 0 to 9999 12761 - 2762 10082 - 10083 Reserved Reserved 2Data and Control Block -- Digital I/O Relay Card Overlay (Note 15)resolution is 1, 10, 100, 1000,10000, or 100000 countsDisabled accumulators always read 0.Data and Control BlocksExpansions for Data and Control Block for Option Card 1Current Communication Settings for Option Card 1www.eaton.com IB02601006E MM-11