8-30 IB02601006E www.eaton.comChapter 8:Programming the IQ 250/260 IQ 250/260 MeterPerforming Manual Relay Control1. Click Tools>Relay Control. You will see the screenshown on the right.This screen allows you to manually set the state ofany installed Relay Output/Digital Input cards.2. The screen displays the current Relay state. Tochange the state:a. Select the state you want in the Select New Statefield.b. Click the checkbox next to the Relays you want tochange to the new state.c. Click Apply.NOTE: If this feature is Password Protected, the Enter Password screen opens.3. Click OK to close the screen.NOTES:• A Relay cannot be manually controlled if a Limit has been assigned to it. See the instructions forconfiguring a Relay Output/Digital Input Card, earlier in this chapter. (This only applies to the IQ 260 meter.)• If the Relay State field is “State is Unknown,” verify that the Relay configuration is correct. You may alsosee this message after you have performed a Reset. Select a New State for the Relay and click Apply.Performing Firmware Flash Update1. Click Tools>Flash Me. You will see the screenshown on the right.This function allows you to update the IQ 250/260’sfirmware.2. Click Browse to locate the flash file.3. Click Flash to update the firmware with the flash file.4. When Flash is complete, click Exit to close thescreen.This Bar Shows Flashing ProgressNOTE: If Flash Update fails, you will see a message to that effect. Check Device Status (see instructionson the previous page) to see if your meter is in Boot Mode.• If the meter is in Boot Mode, uncheck the Starting from Run Mode box in the Flash Me screen and try flashupdating the firmware again.• If the meter’s status is not displayed in the Device Status screen, the meter may be stuck in Boot Mode. Ifyou are certain the communication settings are correct for the meter, try connecting to the meter using thefollowing defaults:Address 001Baud Rate 9600Protocol Modbus RTUOnce you connect to the meter, you can try flash upgrading again.Flashing progress states and messages areshown here: shows you current state of flashingthe firmware and any relevant output messages.Communications messages display here(messages being sent to the meter).