4Pow-R-Line X Retrot Panelboards Pow-R-Line X RetRofit PaneLboaRds MN014011EN January 2020 eatoncanada.caVerify Interior depth adjustment - Using a non-conducting,insulated straight edge, verify dimension from the frontsurface of the dead-front cover mounting bracket. Thisshould not be less than 11/16” (0.6875”). See Fig. E. Ifadjustments are required, remove interior and readjustdepth as per previous steps.Installation of Incoming Panelboard ConnectionsMain incoming connections (mains, neutral and ground).otee:N As a minimum, all panelboard connections are ratedfor use with 75°C or higher rated conductors. Whenwire is used with temperature ratings above 75°C,it shall be sized based on the ampacity of wire rated75°C.Wire/CablingMechanical setscrew lugs are typically supplied for incomingcable connection.Using appropriate tools, the installer must strip theconductor insulation sufficiently to fill the entire barrel of theconnector with bare, non-insulated conductor.Conductor must be stripped without damage to theconductor strands. Bare strands should be of equal length(flush) on the end cut. Do not strip off more insulationthan needed. Exposure of bare conductor outside lug cancompromise clearances. The connector and conductorshould be free of all foreign debris. Never clip cable/wirestrands in order to fit within connectors. If cable/wiredoes not match the rating of the connector, contact themanufacturer. Use an antioxidant compound, if required.Insert bare conductor into lug so the bare conductor fillsthe full length of the lug body. Tighten lug, then torque tolevels indicated on the panelboard label. If compression lugsare utilized and supplied with the panelboard, the lugs willbe mounted on the incoming lug pad. Remove lugs fromthe pad. Use an antioxidant compound, if required. Use acrimping tool approved for that specific lug manufacturerand lug size.Follow instructions provided by the manufacturer of thecrimp tool. Once the lug is affixed to the conductor, re-installthe lug on the lug pad utilizing the existing hardware. Torquehardware using information provided in Appendix Table 4 fortorque values.To ensure retrofit interior mounting pan is sufficientlybonded to ground, a minimum of 1 existing mounting studshould be used to mount the chassis. If this is not feasible,install the supplied bonding wire and lug to assemblybetween one of the chassis ground bars to the enclosure.You may be required to drill and tap a #10-32 hole. Usehardware supplied with interior.Connect all load groundsConnect all load neutrals.Connect all loadsTrim InstallationInstall dead-front cover to the rear of trim with supplied#10-32 Keps nuts. See Fig. F. Verify door opens in desireddirectionFigure F: Installing Dead Front CoverInstall trim and dead-front cover as one assembly using qty4 ¼-20 X 0.75” screws.Figure G: Installing Dead Front Trim AssemblyInstall directory cardholder, and Latch. Trim number strip tothe appropriate length and install on Deadfront cover.Figure H: Installing Directory Card Holder, Latch, and Number StripTransfer all pertinent information from the old directory cardto the new card and insert in holder.