Introduction1-2 EATON Powerware® 9390 UPS (100–160 kVA) Installation and Operation Manual S 164201554 Rev E powerware.com1.1 Basic System ConfigurationsThe following basic UPS system configurations are possible: Single module UPS and one to four battery cabinets Single module UPS with UPS Sidecar (maintenance bypass or 1+1 tie configuration) andone to four battery cabinets Single module UPS, one to four battery cabinets, and an optional Integrated DistributionCabinet (IDC) Single module UPS, one to four battery cabinets, and an optional Integrated AccessoryCabinet (IAC) (maintenance bypass, 1+1 tie, or 1+1 tie with maintenance bypassconfiguration) Single module UPS, one to four battery cabinets, and an optional Integrated AccessoryCabinet (IAC) (distribution configuration) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with two UPS modules, one to four battery cabinetsfor each UPS, and an optional module tie cabinet- One capacity/one redundant (1+1)- Two capacity (2+0) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with three UPS modules, one to four batterycabinets for each UPS, and an optional module tie cabinet- Two capacity/one redundant (2+1)- Three capacity (3+0) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with four UPS modules, one to four battery cabinetsfor each UPS, and an optional module tie cabinet- Three capacity/one redundant (3+1)- Four capacity (4+0) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with two UPS modules, one to four battery cabinetsfor each UPS, an optional module tie cabinet, and an optional IDC- One capacity/one redundant (1+1)- Two capacity (2+0) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with three UPS modules, one to four batterycabinets for each UPS, an optional module tie cabinet, and an optional IDC- Two capacity/one redundant (2+1)- Three capacity (3+0) Powerware Hot Sync parallel system with four UPS modules, one to four battery cabinetsfor each UPS, an optional module tie cabinet, and an optional IDC- Three capacity/one redundant (3+1)- Four capacity (4+0)The UPS system configuration can be enhanced by adding optional accessories such as aRemote Emergency Power-off (REPO) control, Remote Monitor Panel II (RMP II), or X-Slot ®communication cards.