POWER WIRING INSTALLATION NOTES081505C164201554---5 6 of 15DESCRIPTION:DATE:DRAWING NO: SHEET:REVISION:Installation InformationA-17EATON Powerware® 9390 UPS (100–160 kVA) Installation and Operation Manual S 164201554 Rev E powerware.com11. Per NEC article 300-20(a), all three-phase conductors must be run in the same conduit.Neutral and ground must be run in the same conduit as the phase conductors.12. Conduit is sized to accommodate one neutral conductor the same size as the phaseconductor and one #8 AWG ground conductor. If two neutral conductors or an oversizedneutral conductor are to be installed, check the size of the conduit needed toaccommodate the extra wire or size and use that conduit size in place of the conduit sizelisted in Table J. All Powerware 9390 products can accommodate a double size neutral.13. Conduit sizes were chosen from NEC Table C1, type letters RHH, RHW, RHW-2, TW, THW,THHW, THW-2.Table J. Power Cable Conduit RequirementsUPS Model Voltage TerminalNumber ofWires inConduitMinimum ConduitTrade Size (inches)Number ofConduitsPowerware9390---120/100and9390---160/100208/220ACAC Input to UPS(A, B, C, Gnd) 4 2-1/2 2AC Input to Bypass(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 2Output(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 2DCBattery(Positive), (Negative), Gnd 5 2 1Powerware9390---120/100and9390---160/100480ACAC Input to UPS(A, B, C, Gnd) 4 2-1/2 1AC Input to Bypass(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 1Output(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 1DCBattery(Positive), (Negative), Gnd 5 2 1Powerware9390---120/120and9390---160/120208/220ACAC Input to UPS(A, B, C, Gnd) 4 2-1/2 2AC Input to Bypass(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 2Output(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 2-1/2 2DCBattery(Positive), (Negative), Gnd 5 2 1Powerware9390---120/120and9390---160/120480ACAC Input to UPS(A, B, C, Gnd) 4 1-1/2 2AC Input to Bypass(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 1-1/2 2Output(A, B, C, Neut, Gnd) 5 1-1/2 2DCBattery(Positive), (Negative), Gnd 5 2 1