xComfort Room Controller Touch User Manual 1v00_EN 4 | P a g e2.4 Operation modeThe operation functions of the Room Controller Touch are grouped into the following:• Frequently used operation functions, Basic operation functions.• Occasionally used operation functions, Enhanced operation functions• Changes to the settings, Edit operation functionsNote: To start operating the Room Controller Touch, touching the screen once is necessary toactivate the display.To maximize the battery life, the Room Controller Touch display will enter the Idle-state. In this state,the display shows the temperature and status with the backlight switched off. On touching the displayagain it enters the Active-state. In this state, the backlight is switched on, and when connected to thexComfort SHC, the information is refreshed to get the latest status.2.4.1 Basic operations• Show the current temperature• Temporary adjust the current set-point temperature• Show the current set-point temperature• Select (another) per-defined set-point temperature (operation mode)• Show the current humidity• (Optional) Show outdoor temperature• (Optional) Show time and Day of Week• (Optional) Touch-button(s)2.4.2 Enhanced operations• Select regulation mode; Heating, Cooling, (Optional) Heating&Cooling or OFF mode• (Optional) Switch Week Program Timer ON or OFF2.4.3 Settings edit operations• Edit pre-defined Set-point temperatures• (Optional) Edit Week Program• (Optional) Edit Humidity Set-point• (Optional) Edit Time and Date• (Optional) Edit clock correction factor