8The ClockYou can use the clock to turn the right-hand oven on and off.The clock must be set to the time of day before the ovenwill work.The 2-button Clock (Professional+)Setting the Time of DayThe 2-button LCD clock is shown in (Fig.2-21). When theclock is first connected, the display flashes ( 0.00 ) and ()alternately.To set the time, turn and hold the Timer knob to the clocksymbol [] and at the same time turn the Adjusting knob leftor right until the clock shows the time of day. Remember thisis a 24-hour clock. Let go of the Timer knob and it will springback to the vertical, oven manual setting.IMPORTANT: The programmable oven will not operateunless the clock has been set.Setting the Minute MinderTo activate the minute minder turn the Timer knob to theright to the [] minute minder setting – it should click intoposition (Fig.2-22).Rotate the Adjusting knob to set the time required (Fig.2-23).You can either turn the knob back to the vertical manualsetting [] to keep an eye on the time of day, or leave it inthe [] minute minder position as the time ticks down.To stop the beeper when it sounds, turn the Adjusting knobcounter-clockwise.• The ‘cook period’, which is the length of time youwant the oven to cook for.• The ‘stop time’, which is the time of day you want theoven to stop cooking.To Stop the Oven at a Specific Time of DayTurn the Timer knob to the [] position (Fig.2-24).Use the Adjusting knob to set the ‘stop time’. You can setthe oven to turn on at any time over the following 24-hourperiod. AUTO shows in the display (Fig.2-25).Turn the Timer knob to the bottom ‘AUTO’ setting to return tothe clock display.Once the ‘stop time’ is reached, the beeper sounds. Turn theTimer knob to the vertical [] to return to manual cooking.To Start and then Stop the Oven Using the TimerYou cannot set a start time directly – this is set automaticallyby a combination of the ‘cook period’ and ‘stop time’.Turn the Timer knob to the [] position (Fig.2-26).Turn the Adjusting knob to set the ‘cooking time’ you need(Fig.2-27).ArtNo.300-0004 2-button clock annotatedA BFig.2-21ArtNo.300-0005 2BCminute minder settingArtNo.300-0006 2BCminute minder setting 2ArtNo.301-0007 2BCStopping the oven 1ArtNo.301-0008 2BCStopping the oven 2Fig.2-22Fig.2-23Fig.2-24Fig.2-25ArtNo.301-0009 2BCSetting the cooking timerArtNo.301-0010 2BCSetting the cooking timeFig.2-26Fig.2-27A – Timer knob, B – Adjusting knob