GFK-1322A Chapter 3 Hardware Installation 3-53Connecting a ProgrammerTo configure the LBIM, the computer serial communications port must be connected to theLON WORKS network through a LON T ALK adapter (Figure 3-4). In effect, the computer is a nodeon the network. As shown in Figure 3-5, three types of LON T ALK adapters are available:External SLTA Can be used with all LBIM models.PCLTA card Can be used with all LBIM models.PCMCIA Interface card (PCC-10), availablefrom Echelon CorporationCan be used only with PE693BEM350 (free topology)LBIM.In all cases, the LONTALK adaptor transceievertype must match that of the LBIM used.BIMLP L CS e r ie s 9 0 -3 0N o d eN o d eN o d eL O N W O R K SN e tw o rkto tw o -p in r em o v a b le s c re w te rm in a lo n L B IMT w is t ed P a ir C a ble22 ( 0 .3 6 m m 2 ) o r24 ( 0 . 22 m m 2 )to P C w it hLo n T a lk a d ap te rN E T W O R K p o r tFigure 3-4. Connections for LBIM Configuration