GFK-1322A Chapter 4 Configuring the LBIM 4-94NoteThe configured length of each register must match EXACTLY the lengthdefined in the 90-30 backplane configuration for the module.Valid Bit End AddressValid bits are automatically assigned by the program and begin at the highest defined %Ilocation and grow down in the %I space. Setting the valid bit end address determineswhere the program begins assigning the valid bits. For example, if a configuration willbe using 50 %I references and 64 total valid bits, the valid bit end address should bedefined at or above 50 + 64 + 8 (reserved) = %I0122. The first defined variable will havea valid bit assigned to %I0122, the next will be assigned to %I00121, and so on. Validbit referencing can be altered after variables are defined.Button Commands1. DefaultsClick on this button to set the default maximum sizes and start addresses for CPU types.Clicking the button activates an edit screen. After changing the desired values, click thedefault button again to save the changes and return to the module configuration screen.2. Modules ReportClick this button to print a report that contains the current configuration values.3. Save CfgClick on this button to save the current configuration to disk. This action does not savethe configuration to the LBIM module.4. CancelClick on the cancel command button to leave this screen without saving the configurationto disk. All changes since the last save will be lost.