B-4 Series 90™-30 PLC LONWORKS® Bus Interface Module User's Manual – June 1997 GFK-1322ABTable B-1. - ContinuedMeasurement Name SNVT #Temperature SNVT_temp 39SNVT_temp_p 105SNVT_temp_f 63Temperature setpts SNVT_temp_setpt 106Time of day SNVT_date_time 12Time - elapsed SNVT_time_f 64SNVT_elapsed_tm 87SNVT_time_sec 107SNVT_time_passed 40Time stamp SNVT_time_stamp 84Translation table SNVT_trans_table 96Volume SNVT_vol 41SNVT_vol_f 65SNVT_vol_kilo 42SNVT_vol_mil 43Voltage SNVT_volt 44SNVT_volt_dbmv 45SNVT_volt_f 66SNVT_volt_kilo 46SNVT_volt_mil 47Zero and Span SNVT_zerospan 85Notes1. SNVT_temp represents tenths of a degree Celsius above -274°C. To get SNVT_temp units,define a constant: C_to_K equal to 2740 which is added to temperature expressed in tenths ofdegrees C.2 . To be used for heating, ventilation and air conditioning applications.3 . The value 0xFFFF represents invalid data.4 . The value 0x7FFF represents invalid data.