GFK-1322A Chapter 4 Configuring the LBIM 4-234Binding Network VariablesThe addressing, configuration, and establishment of connections (binding) among LONWORKSnodes is referred to as installation, and is supported by a collection of network managementservices built into the Neuron chip.The Network Binding and Configuration Parameter Value files are created by the network bindingsoftware tool. (For a list of network management software packages, refer to “What You Need toOperate the LBIM” in Chapter 1.) The individual network variable configuration parameters areset through the Parameter Value File. Configurable network image parameters are listed in Table4-5. For more information, refer to the documentation provided with your network bindingsoftware tool.NVO_7, SNVT_temp_fa45645NVO_1, SNVT_countNVI_1, displayNode 1NVO_1, SNVT_tempNVO_3, SNVT_tempNVO_4, SNVT_freq_fNVI_2, SNVT_tempNVO_5, SNVT_countNVO_6, SNVT_tempNode 2Node 4Node 3CPUReg 1Reg 2Reg 3Reg 4Reg 5Reg 6Reg 7Reg 8Reg 9Reg 10Reg 11Reg 12Reg 13PLC LonWorks BIMnvi_1nvi_2nvi_4nvo_2nvi_7nvi_3nvi_6nvi_3nvo_2LonWorks NetworkFigure 4-3. Example: Installing the LBIM in the Network and Binding the VariablesThis step binds the individual variables from the network into the type slots defined as describedin “Configuring the LBIM.” When these variables are updated, the new values are passed into theproper PLC register locations. When the PLC updates a register value, the new value istransferred to the network. In this example, a change in the value of the input on Node 4 willcause its network variable to update on the network. This value is acquired in the LBIM andforwarded to registers 6 and 7 in the PLC.