5 About Programming5.1 IntroductionThe adjustable frequency drive is programmed for itsapplication functions using parameters. Parameters areaccessed by pressing either [Quick Menu] or [Main Menu]on the keypad. (See 4 User Interface for details on usingthe keypad function keys.) Parameters may also beaccessed through a PC using the DCT-10.The quick menu is intended for initial start-up and detailedinstructions for common adjustable frequency driveapplications. Step-by-step instructions are provided. Theseinstructions enable the user to walk through theparameters used for programming applications in theirproper sequence. Data entered in a parameter can changethe options available in the parameters following thatentry. The quick menu presents easy guidelines for gettingmost systems up and running.The main menu accesses all parameters and allows foradvanced adjustable frequency drive applications.5.2 Programming ExampleHere is an example for programming the adjustablefrequency drive for a common application in open-loopusing the quick menu.• This procedure programs the adjustablefrequency drive to receive a 0–10 V DC analogcontrol signal on input terminal 53• The adjustable frequency drive will respond byproviding 20–50 Hz output to the motor propor-tional to the input signal (0–10 V DC =20–50 Hz)Select the following parameters using the navigation keysto scroll to the titles and press [OK] after each action.1. F-01 Frequency Setting 1Figure 5.12. F-52 Minimum Reference. Set minimum internaladjustable frequency drive reference to 0 Hz.(This sets the minimum adjustable frequencydrive speed at 0 Hz.)Figure 5.2About Programming AF-600 FP Design and Installation GuideDET-768A 5-15 5